Thursday, December 9, 2010


One thing about life that I know for sure is that it doesn’t always turn out the way we want it.  Even with the most carefully laid out plans, the world is just way too complex and everything in it so interrelated that unexpected twists and turns always will surely meet us along the way.

There is no formula for a perfect life.  We can never achieve Utopia, and this is not I being cynical about life.  Good people die brutal deaths, downright evil people live long prosperous lives.  A God-fearing person eats of the crumbs that fall from a rich man’s table, a decadent master dresses up in the finest of silk.  Clearly, goodness does not equate to a good life.

Life is uncertain.  A health guru dies of cancer, a person that smokes since his teenage gets to bury his own grandchild.  Parents end up in care homes, a spinster dies in the loving home of a friend.  A well-off couple can never beget a child, a young lady is violated, conceives and murders the unborn.  Clearly, we don’t always reap what we sow.

So should we just live life in careless abandon?

If you do not believe in an Author of all, at least, you believe in truths that are Statistics and Physics.  The probability of a person standing on a railway to get hit by a speeding train is way higher than that of a person that stands even a step away.  You are most likely to die jumping off a plane without a parachute.  In short, plan still, aspire still, try still.  Do what is good and what is right, and if the outcome is not what we hoped for, at least we gave it our all and would not be found wanting or if bad things happen despite our being good, then at least it cannot be said that we deserved it.  Trying so desperately to achieve something we want makes us overlook and not appreciate what we have now, which is what ultimately matters.  The past can never be brought back, the future can never be fully assured, what is certain is the present.  LIVE YOUR NOW!

I am person who believes in the Almighty God.  In the God who is just and omniscient.  I ask for my heart’s desire, but I pray for what’s best for me.  And this is my prayer before I close my eyes to sleep:

“Dear Lord, I thank You for Your love, protection and provision for me, my family and everyone I hold dear.  I thank You for the chance to once again rest my body and mind.  And should You allow us another day, I PRAY FOR AN OPEN MIND TO UNDERSTAND AND A SUBMISSIVE HEART TO ACCEPT THE WORKS OF YOUR HAND.  Whatever Your will for me and the rest of the world be done.  In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.”

Remember, even the Holy One died the most unspeakable death.

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