Saturday, November 6, 2010


(POKA-YOKE: More broadly, the term can refer to any behavior-shaping constraint designed into a product to prevent incorrect operation by the user - Wikipedia)

Patient is the last word that would probably describe me as a person.  I would also be the first to admit that my hands are as quick as my tongue.

Learning to drive a few years back, my nanay was a bit scared because she knew of my temper problem.  She would always remind me to learn to control it.

Unfortunately, that is easier said than done, especially in this great country of ours.  There are just too many nuisances in our streets that no matter how hard you try, sooner or later, something or someone is going to get on your nerves.

I have a share of experiences when this temper got the best of me.  I acted like some action hero on a hot pursuit.

But God knows best.  He designed me with a very poor sense of space.  I find it really hard to assess my distance from everything around me.  I would always hurt myself like stepping on my own toes or biting my own tongue.  This particular handicap automatically sets off fear like smoke is to a fire alarm.  It slows me down and brings me back to my senses.

A few weeks ago, I decided to venture in the travel and tours business which would initially require me to do the driving.  This necessitates that I’d be careful in driving at all times.  On my birthday, I made the conscious effort to be the most considerate driver there is.  Since that day, I only honked out of frustration four times, stopped on all red lights, let everyone trying to cut me do so and cussed just twice but profusely apologized for that.

The experiment was liberating, and saved me some fuel as well!  Dunno, however, how long I can keep it up.

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